Skin Cancer Clinic's - Early Detection & Treatment  - Brisbane Northside - Book a PDT Light Therapy Assessment today

Types of
Skin Cancer

Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Skin Cancer Type

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common skin cancer, and often occur in elderly people who have had extensive sun exposure over their lifetimes.

SCC often appear on the forearms, lower legs and face of people who have spent a long time out in the sun, such as truck drivers, trades people or anyone who is outdoors for their work or leisure activities. They appear as a scaly lump that can sometimes grow rapidly and is often a little tender to touch. Sometimes they appear and a pink scaly patch on the skin that slowly grows over many months or years.

Squamous Treatment

The treatment for SCC is usually excision, although small superficial tumours on low risk areas of the body may be suitable for curettage. Tumours on the face are generally regarded as higher risk and treated with excision. Large tumours may require flaps or grafts to close the wound.

SCC has the ability to metastasize or spread to distant sites, but will usually only do this if they are of an aggressive subtype, occur on very high risk areas such as the lip, ear or nose, or have been ignored and left to grow to a large size. Some tumours can grow very quickly and require rapid treatment to prevent complications such as metastasis or the need for complex closures such as skin grafts. Their tendency to form on the lower legs of elderly people can require the use of skin grafts to close the wound, and the poor healing here can put the patient at risk of an ulcer if not treated promptly and well.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Shining a Light on Skin Health

Discover expert insights on skin cancer prevention, early detection, and skin health.
Explore practical tips, survivor stories, and the latest advancements in treatment to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Fees and Additional Information

Consultation Fees

  • Private Standard Consultation: $130 - Medicare Rebate: $42.85
  • Private Long Consultation: $170.00 - Medicare Rebate: $82.90
  • Concession card holder standard consultation: $80 - Medicare Rebate: $42.85
  • Concession card holder long consultation: $140 - Medicare Rebate: $82.90

Saturday fees (Toombul Clinic Only)

  • Private Standard Consultation: $160 - Medicare Rebate: $42.85
  • Private Long Consultation: $200.00 - Medicare Rebate: $82.90
  • Concession card holder reduced fees: not applicable during these periods.

Additional Fee Information

  • DVA Gold and White Card approved - Bulk Billed (not applicable after hours and Saturdays - full fee applies).
  • Biopsy Fees start from $50.00
  • Excision fees vary by procedure and you will be informed by the Dr at your appointment.
  • Pricing as of the 1/7/2024 and subject to change without notice.

Additional Clinic Information

Please note: We do accept cash payments at this clinic. Surcharges may apply to EFTPOS and Credit cards payments.

Parking and accessibility:

  • Parking is free and wheelchair accessible.
  • Disabled parking spots also available.

Please note: If you are unable to attend your appointment, please contact our office as early as possible so that the appointment can be offered to our waiting list.

All Clinic Opening Hours

  • Toombul:
    Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm
    Sat: 8:00am - 1:00pm
  • Mitchelton:
    Mon, Wed, Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm;
    Tues, Thurs: 8:00am - 5:30pm
  • Warner:
    Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Melanoma Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer Clinic Toombul

9 Parkland Street,
Nundah, QLD, 4012
07 3256 6766

Skin Cancer Clinic Mitchelton

Unit 1, 23 Blackwood Street,
Mitchelton, QLD, 4053
07 3855 8500

Skin Cancer Clinic Warner

1405 Old North Road,
Warner, QLD, 4500
07 3106 1340