Skin cancer is a widespread concern affecting millions worldwide annually. Among its various forms, melanoma stands out as particularly hazardous.
It emerges from melanocytes, the skin cells responsible for pigment.Knowing the signs, risks, and proactive steps regarding skin cancer moles is vital for early identification and treatment.
What is Melanoma?
Melanoma is a form of skin cancer originating in melanocytes, which produce skin pigment. When these cells mutate and become cancerous, they can generate malignant tumours capable of spreading throughout the body.
Factors Related to Increased Risk of Melanoma
Several factors contribute to melanoma development, including UV exposure from sunlight or tanning beds, genetic predisposition, having numerous moles, and a weakened immune system.
Spotting Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma
Recognising signs like new mole appearances, changes in size, shape, or colour of existing moles, asymmetrical or multicoloured moles, and moles that itch, hurt, or bleed is crucial for early detection and effective treatment.
Understanding Types of Skin Cancer
Skin cancer encompasses two primary types: melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. Melanoma is aggressive and prone to spreading, while non-melanoma types like basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are more localised and less invasive.
Insight into Mole-Related Skin Cancers
Mole-related skin cancers involve abnormal mole growth, marked by changes in colour, shape, or size that warrant close monitoring for malignancy signs.
Deciphering Moles and Skin Cancer
Moles are clusters of melanocytes, presenting as pigmented spots on the skin. While most moles are harmless, some may evolve into cancerous tumours.
Differentiating Normal and Cancerous Moles
Using the ABCDE method—assessing asymmetry, border irregularity, colour variation, diameter, and evolution over time—can aid in distinguishing between normal and potentially cancerous moles, prompting evaluation by a skin cancer specialist.
Recognising New Moles and Their Implications
New mole development, especially in adulthood, should be closely observed. Changes in existing moles or the appearance of new ones may signal skin cancer development and require prompt attention.
Identifying Risks and Factors for Skin Cancer
UV radiation exposure, genetic predisposition, and the quantity of moles on the body are significant risk factors for skin cancer, emphasising the importance of sun protection and regular skin checks.
Taking Preventive Action Against Skin Cancer
Sun protection measures, including sunscreen use, wearing protective clothing, and seeking shade, are essential for reducing skin cancer risk. Regular skin checks by specialists enable early detection and intervention, improving treatment outcomes. Early detection methods such as dermoscopy and skin biopsies are crucial for timely diagnosis and management.
Early detection methods for skin cancer
Early detection of skin cancer is key to successful treatment outcomes. Techniques such as dermoscopy, mole mapping, and skin biopsies can help Skin Cancer Doctors and dermatologists diagnose skin cancer at its earliest stages, improving patients' chances of a positive prognosis.
Melanoma Scan has three clinics located in Brisbane's northern suburbs. Our Skin Cancer Doctors are GPs with a special interest in Skin Cancer. Book an appointment online or call 1300 754 600 to discuss options.